Phonics / Early Reading
Phonics and Early Reading develops pupil’s knowledge and understanding of the relationships between written symbols and sounds. At Light Years School, we use the Systematic Synthetic Phonics Scheme ‘Read, Write, Inc’ with full fidelity to the scheme. |
Once the children have completed the RWI phonics scheme, they move into a RWI comprehension group to continue to develop their fluency and comprehension skills. The focus is on reading the text accurately, processing it and understanding its meaning. |
Whole Class / Shared
Storytime At Light Years, we also timetable whole class reading and shared Storytime. This allows children to encounter new words and enriching vocabulary. It helps them appreciate the beauty & rhythm of language. We use Talk Through Stories by Ruth Miskin and high-quality teacher planning. |
D.E.A.R - Drop Everything and Read is a chance for the children to pick up a reading for pleasure book and spend time enjoying reading. This could be a newspaper, fiction story or even a comic. Adults at Light Years model picking up a book to read too, to inspire the children to read for pleasure. |
In addition to these core opportunities, wider reading opportunities are identified throughout the Light Years aspirational curriculum on our ‘front sheets’ and within individual lesson plans.
Literacy Curriculum Rationale:
All teachers are teachers of literacy. Language is the prime medium through which Pupils learn and express themselves across the curriculum, and therefore all staff have a role in supporting the development of effective literacy. As such, Light Years School is committed to developing literacy skills in all of our Pupils, in the belief that it will support their learning and raise standards across the curriculum. How well pupils speak, listen, read and write has a major influence on how well they do at school and in their futures.
‘Reading is fundamental to education. Proficiency in reading, writing and spoken language is vital for pupils’ success’ – The reading framework July 2023
Light Years School believes that pupils should:
- Be able to speak with confidence and clarity.
- Have a suitable technical vocabulary with which they can articulate their response.
- Have an interest in books and read for enjoyment.
- Have an interest in words, their meanings and so develop a growing vocabulary in spoken and written forms.
- Read and write with confidence, fluency and understanding.
- Be able to write in a variety of styles and forms appropriate to the purpose and audience.
We want to ensure that every pupil at Light Years School is able to read fluently and has the ability to understand text, decode and extend their knowledge by being exposed to different reading materials.
The Literacy policy is designed to be inclusive and consider pupils’ needs as outlined in their EHCPs. Where possible a range of enrichment activities will run alongside lessons in order to enhance individuals’ interests, awareness and understanding of the wider world. These activities will be related to the texts and topics being studied at the time. They may include theatre trips, library trips, events related to fundraising and writing challenges.
Reading Curriculum Intent:
Pupils will:
- be successful readers and read with confidence, fluency and understanding.
- be engaged in regular reading through reading being a focal point in every lesson.
- be able to use a range of strategies to help understand the meaning of texts.
- be interested in books, read with enjoyment, and evaluate and justify their preferences.
- develop their skills of researching and using information gained from relevant texts.
Reading Curriculum Implementation:
Drop Everything and Read (DEAR)
- Pupils will take part in DEAR time 3 times per week, during tutor sessions: designed to promote a love of reading, as well as provide regular opportunity to read.
- Pupils have access to a range of reading materials, and are encouraged to read everything and anything, from recipes to newspapers.
Promotion of Reading
- Literacy award awarded to a Pupil every week during celebration assembly.
- ‘What Am I Reading’ Posters signposted across the school, promoting what staff are reading, and encouraging conversations with pupils.
- Celebrate national events such as World Book Day.
- Themed assemblies surrounding key topics such as ‘The Importance of Reading’.
- Staff will model good reading behaviour by reading themselves during DEAR when not listening to pupils.
Library Spaces
- Each classroom will have a reading corner where pupils can go and read a range of books.
- Pupils have access to fiction and non-fiction books, at different abilities to suit their reading abilities.
- The range of books is designed to appeal and expand pupils’ interests.
- The school’s phonics curriculum has adopted Read Write Inc (RWI) phonics as its phonics scheme of learning.
- All members of staff will be trained in RWI phonics.
- The school has appointed a Reading Leader who will lead Reading, including phonics across the curriculum.
Reading Assessment
- Pupils’ reading ages will be gained during the school’s reading assessment package. These will be used to identify where pupils may need support with their reading.
- Pupils’ reading ages will be measured twice a year to determine progress in reading.
- Assessment within the subject of English is broken down into reading and writing and this allows staff to have a detailed knowledge of pupils’ ability to read, comprehend and infer texts.
- Where pupil reading ages are identified to be significantly low, they will be encouraged to complete a phonics screening test to assess their phonological ability and assess if further support is required.
Reading Curriculum Impact:
- Pupils at Light Years School will be able to decode and recognise enough sight words at the end of Key Stage 2 in order for them to confidently and fluently read a text matched to their level.
- Pupils of all abilities will be able to access reading lessons.
- Pupils will enjoy reading across a range of genres.
- Children who have not made expected progress through Read Write Inc will be offered alternative strategies to enable them to decode words, not solely relying on phonics (e.g Words First of Fry’s 100 words).
- Pupils will have a good knowledge of a range of authors.
- Pupils will be ready to read in any subject in their secondary education.
- Parents and carers will have a good understanding of how they can support reading at home.
Reading in the Curriculum Overview
- Reading is an integral part of the curriculum and underpins all learning.
- In all subjects, teachers consciously plan opportunities for reading within every scheme of learning. This is to ensure that pupils read regularly in lessons and have opportunities for functional reading; this prepares pupils for adulthood and independence. Pupils of all ages have 5 lesson of English a week, whereby reading is a core focus.
- Key texts are identified on curriculum maps for each core subject area with a view for children to have access to a huge range of ‘windows and mirrors’ books.
Additional Reading Support
- Teachers and teaching assistants will encourage pupils to read aloud, so that they can check their progress and support misconceptions.
- All children will read at least three times a week to an adult on a one-to-one basis. Once with their teacher and twice with an LSA.
Dyslexia Support
- Pupils who have a diagnosis of dyslexia, will, as identified, receive intervention over and above their English lessons with a specialist teacher.
Light Years School, Tewkesbury Avenue, Fareham, Hampshire, PO15 6LL
E: [email protected] T: 01329 760955
E: [email protected] T: 01329 760955
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