Welcome to Earth Class at Light Years
In Years 3 and 4 at Light Years, the children immerse themselves in many exciting topics that engage their interests. This year our topics will be Light and Dark, Colour Collectors, Under the Canopy, Treasure Island, Work Like an Egyptian and Crash Landing!
At Light Years, we know that “reading is the gateway to wider learning” (OFSTED, 2023) and this is clear throughout our curriculum.
We work with Hampshire Library Services to select high-quality, engaging texts that reflect our children’s interests. Please find below a link to the Read, Write Inc, ‘Windows and Mirrors’ suggested book list that promote diversity and inclusion and allow children to “see themselves in stories”. As RWI notes, “stories help children become empathetic and reflective.”. Themes on the book list include family and friendship, exploring feelings, kindness, community, our planet, change and bereavement, moving home or country and the power of speaking up. Your child’s class teacher will also be able to provide a personalised list of suggested reads upon request. “One of the greatest gifts adults can give is to read to children” |
Our Online Learning Resources
To encourage a love for reading and improved fluency and accuracy, we ask that you please send your child in each day with their reading record. This will contain log ins for Oxford Reading Buddy, Prodigy Maths and Word Shark to support their learning at home.
Weekly curriculum provision
Our PE days are on a Monday and Tuesday. Our Monday lesson is delivered by Liam from IDPE. Please make sure to dress appropriately for the weather - sun hats / layers / waterproofs and plenty of water.
We also have Hampshire Music Services specialist teacher Anne-Marie who works with the children on Tuesday afternoons, delivering hands-on workshops.
On a Thursday, we are visited by Lucy (Speech and Language Therapist) or Liam (Occupational Therapist) who deliver a whole class workshop targeted intervention.
We can’t wait for you to explore our Year 3 and 4 pages where you will find more information about what we are learning at Light Years!
We also have Hampshire Music Services specialist teacher Anne-Marie who works with the children on Tuesday afternoons, delivering hands-on workshops.
On a Thursday, we are visited by Lucy (Speech and Language Therapist) or Liam (Occupational Therapist) who deliver a whole class workshop targeted intervention.
We can’t wait for you to explore our Year 3 and 4 pages where you will find more information about what we are learning at Light Years!
Light Years School, Tewkesbury Avenue, Fareham, Hampshire, PO15 6LL
E: [email protected] T: 01329 760955
E: [email protected] T: 01329 760955
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