Computing Curriculum Overview
Yr Group | Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Year 3-4 A | Online Safety Cyberbullying Information Sharing | Online Searches and Surfers History of the Internet | Coding Scratch / Programming Turtle Learning Loops & Movements | Braching Databases Sorting Data | Word Processing Basic Skills |
Presentation Skills Creating Slides |
Year 3-4 B | Online Safety Positive Community | Communication & Collaboration Emails and Attachments | Coding Scratch Creating Questions & Puzzles |
Word Processing Inserting Images & Tables |
Animation Stop Motion Animation |
Programming Turtle Command Line Algorithms |
Year 5-6 A | Online Safety Spam and False Information | Know Your Network Internet & Malware | Coding Scratch/Kodu Developing Games | Spreadsheets Cells |
Film Making Filming & Editing |
3D Modelling Modifying & Manipulating Shapes |
Year 5-6 B | Online Safety Communicating With People Online | Strategic Searching Online Search Engines | Coding Scratch Animated Stories | Controlling Devices FLOWOL Inputs and Outputs | Radio Station Jingles & Podcasts | Programming Kodu Creating Worlds |
Computing Curriculum Rationale:
At Light Years School we follow the National Curriculum and understand that ICT and computing are an integral part of the National Curriculum and that ICT skills are important beyond the classroom. The curriculum is designed to: recognise children’s prior learning, provide rich and rigorous learning experiences, which allows the children to develop interpersonal skills, build resilience and become creative, critical thinkers. We want our pupils to be active in their communities, open to new experiences and live happy and productive lives.
At Light Years School we recognise that this aspect of the curriculum is key for everyday life and is vital for a successful future for our pupils. In an ever evolving and increasingly digital world there now exists a wealth of software, tools and techniques that can be used to communicate, collaborate, express ideas and create digital content. As a school, we have a duty to safeguard ad promote the welfare of our pupils which includes online safety. Computers are a valuable resource in school, benefitting the way pupils learn and helping teachers maximise their role as educators. In light of this, our school is committed to ensuring that both staff and pupils have access to the necessary facilities to allow them to enhance their learning experience. Class teachers support and work alongside to deliver a highly ambitious computing curriculum. Class teachers also guide pupils through additional cross curricular tasks each term to provide further additional literacy using a range or technology, software and apps.
At Light Years School we recognise that computers underpin today’s modern lifestyle. We believe it is paramount that our pupils are confident users of technology, including the internet, whilst exploring it safely. Light Years School is committed to providing young people with accessible, engaging computing experiences; giving pupils a hunger to stretch their abilities and try new things. We aim to embrace the positive impact and educational benefits that can be achieved through appropriate use of the internet and communication technologies; work within each year group provides opportunities for continuity and progression and is closely linked to other areas of the curriculum. All classes have access to a range of Computing equipment and software to enhance their skills and improve their confidence in using IT in the world around them.
Light Years School believes that pupils should:
• Develop their understanding of the fundamental principles and concepts of Computing.
• Develop their understanding of how digital systems work and the necessity for comprehensive digital skills in the working world.
• Develop their understanding of programming and debugging coding script to successfully solve problems and affect outputs.
• Develop their skills in using hardware and software to manipulate information in their process of problem solving, recording and expressive work.
• Instil positive attitudes towards Computing and the online world, recognising its value for themselves, others and society while raising their awareness of its advantages and limitations.
• Instil the values of respect and tolerance which are needed to leave behind a positive digital footprint.
Computing Curriculum Intent:
Computing skills are a major factor in enabling children to be confident, creative and independent learners and it is our intention that children have every opportunity available to allow them to achieve this. Therefore, we want to educate our pupils on how to use technology positively, responsibly and safely. We want our children to leave Light Years computer literate and prepare them to live safely in an increasingly digital British society.
At Light Years, we aim to:
▪ Provide a broad, balanced, challenging and enjoyable curriculum for all pupils.
▪ Develop pupil’s computational thinking skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.
▪ Respond to the new developments in technology.
▪ Equip pupils with the confidence and skills to use digital tools and techniques responsibly, competently and confidently.
▪ Enhance and enrich learning in other areas of the curriculum using technology.
▪ Develop the understanding of how to use computers and digital tools safely and responsibly.
Light Years’ Computing Curriculum is broad and ambitious, and designed to give all our pupils, particularly those that are disadvantaged and pupils with SEND, the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.
Computing Curriculum Implementation:
Teaching and Learning
• Present key concepts clearly and invite appropriate discussions
• Check pupils’ understanding effectively, identifying and correcting misunderstandings
• Ensure that pupils embed key concepts in their long-term memory and apply them fluently
• Enable pupils to transfer key knowledge to long-term memory, sequence the learning and ensure that it is building towards the defined end points
• Use assessment to check pupils’ understanding
• Use assessment to help pupils embed and use knowledge fluently, develop their understanding, and not simply memorise disconnected facts
Helping all pupils to use technology with purpose and enjoyment.
- Meeting the requirements of the National Curriculum.
- Aiding all pupils to develop the necessary skills to exploit ICT resources and tools.
▪ Ensuring pupils use and gain experience of computing in a variety of subject contexts.
▪ Developing staff skills to enable them to enhance and extend their pupil’s learning.
▪ Celebrating success in the use of Computing and ICT.
Light Years’ Computing Curriculum is designed in a way that allows pupils to transfer key knowledge to long-term memory; it is sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before and towards defined end points. Retrieval practice is used weekly to help embed knowledge and essential life skills.
Computing Curriculum Impact:
Teachers will regularly assess progress through observations and evidence. Key objectives that will be being assessed are taken from the National Curriculum to assess computing each term. Assessing computing is an integral part of teaching & learning and key to good practice. Assessment should be process orientated - reviewing the way that techniques and skills are applied purposefully by pupils to demonstrate their understanding of computing concepts. As assessment is part of the learning process, it is essential that pupils are closely involved and verbal feedback is given.
Assessment can be broken down into;
• Assessments that are carried out during and following short focused tasks and activities. They provide pupils and teaching staff the opportunity to reflect on their learning in the context of the agreed success criteria. Verbal feedback is essential for pupil growth and allows the pupil to voice concerns, problems and successes. This feeds into planning for the next lesson or activity
• Assessment that provides a number of opportunities and scope for pupils to demonstrate their capability throughout the term. There should be an opportunity for pupil review and identification of next steps.
We assess the children’s work in computing by making informal judgments as we observe the children during lessons. Once the children complete a unit of work, we make a summary judgment of the work for each pupil as to whether they have yet to obtain, obtained or exceeded the expectations of the unit.
The school implements a broad balanced and enriched Computing curriculum as a result:
• Pupils develop detailed knowledge and skills across the Computing curriculum and, as a result, achieve well.
• Precision in planning, we know that the Computing curriculum is covered in the required depth exemplified within the statutory and non statutory guidance of the national curriculum.
• Pupils will have the opportunities to regularly revisit concepts leading them to link ideas together
• High quality programs and apps are used; pupils have a real love of learning
• High focus on developing specific subject knowledge, as well as the skills in each subject, pupil’s progression through the Key Stages is ensured
• A curriculum focusing on technology in the wider world: this enables our pupils to leave Light Years School able to integrate into modern British Society more successfully.
• Active engagement with parents, the curriculum goes beyond the classroom and promotes home study and research, parents are engaged and have ownership of the school and see it as part of the community. Update parents regularly on learning, apps and topics.
Light Years School, Tewkesbury Avenue, Fareham, Hampshire, PO15 6LL
E: [email protected] T: 01329 760955
E: [email protected] T: 01329 760955
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