13th January 2025
This week in PSHE Jupiter class learnt all about what a digital footprint is and what they shouldn’t share online. They then drew around their own feet and filled it with information they would like to share with people. In maths, the children have been looking at capacity and volume using a range of multi-sensory resources. In Science the children have continued to look at different habitats. This week they worked together to classify living things into groups whilst discussing their differences. Next week we will be writing our speech to Greenpeace explaining why we need to stop deforestation. We will be continuing to look at mass and capacity in Maths, using all four operations to solve problems involving them. Dodgeball skills, living things, energy production, reading and much more! |
29th November 2024
This week in Jupiter the children have been learning all about 2D and 3D shapes. The children have been looking at all the different properties used to identity a shape, using a range of resources. In literacy, the children got the chance to experience what it might be like to be a real solider. They exercised outdoors, found and cleaned resources, tried some food and even pretended to sleep whilst in a war. In art, they designed and created their very own stained-glass windows, basing them around the nature work done by Louis C Tiffany. Next week, we will continue to build up our literacy skills to support our end goal of writing our own diary in the perspective of a soldier. We will also be continuing to look further into their topic of light in science and WW2 in History. (The children blow my mind with the knowledge they’ve retained in these topics!) I am sure the children will continue to have lots of fun at break and lunch using their new outdoor creation space! |
11th November 2024
This week in art, the children expressed their creative side making their very own stained-glass windows, we tied this in with Remembrance Day to make some respectful pieces for the day. In maths the children have been very busy, using money to work out the best deals. With in this the children practised their fraction, addition and subtraction skills. They had fun doing it and I’m sure they’d love to help you and show off their skills on your next shopping trip! In PE the children put their teamwork skills to the test. Moving around the room using different obstacles, practising their patience and problem-solving skills as the floor was LAVA! Next week the children will be writing their persuasive letters I’m sure they will love to show you once they’re completed! |
Friday 25th October 2024
This week in Jupiter’s Thrive session, we had great fun playing the roles of employees in a bank. The children were able to become a manager, a cashier and even a cheeky bank robber. The children fully immersed themselves in this role play scenario and had lots of fun. The children had a whole day of RE, learning all about Buddism with a key concept of community. The children created their own club uniforms, made gifts for other children and adults in Light Years and even took part in some meditation; following routines and rituals from Sangha day. In literacy this week, the children made their very own Amelia Earhart diary, not only writing diary entrys, but getting creative with teabags in line with our multi-sensory approach! Finally, the children enjoyed an afternoon getting messy with pumpkin carving, using their creative brains to carve their very own spooky designs. The children had a lot of fun and even took some spooky selfies with their creations. The children are looking forward to a well deserved rest over half term, ready to come back with fresh energy. We can’t wait to hear all about their half term adventures and exploring their autumn scavenger hunt bags! |
Friday 18th October 2024
We are very proud of the children in Jupiter class. On Wednesday they became healthy helpers, walking around the school and sharing healthy habits during their personal development lesson. The children have also been working hard to plan their Amelia Earheart diary entry, whilst improving their use of descriptive and emotive language. We have had a busy week in maths, at the beginning of the week we have been learning all about the area of a shape and towards the end we have looked at factors and multiples! Next week the children will be learning how to multiply and divide a number by 10 and 100. They will also be writing their diary entry and I’m sure they will be very excited to show their work when they’re done |
Friday 11th October 2024
Jupiter class have had a busy week, following the inset day, we came in happy and ready to learn. We had an exciting PE lesson playing parachute games. In maths, we have been learning all about perimeter, we have been using lots of different resources to help us learn. This week, we have also enjoyed searching for different emotions around the class room, learning about our feelings and what we can do to be kind to others. A child said “If I’m kind, people will smile and be happy” Next week, we are looking forward to becoming health helpers. We will be going around the school helping people with healthy habits. |
Light Years School, Tewkesbury Avenue, Fareham, Hampshire, PO15 6LL
E: [email protected] T: 01329 760955
E: [email protected] T: 01329 760955
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