13th January 2025
We have really enjoyed our Maths this week – we are working on addition at the moment and the class have been keen to show their excellent skills. Art has been fun too – we were introduced to watercolour paints and used them to practise painting a sunset. We will be adding to this artwork in the next few weeks and can’t wait to being home a finished work of art! In Geography, our focus is Light Years School! We have been exploring the grounds, looking at maps, recapping on our knowledge from previous topics and sorting towns, villages and cities. Chris and Harry worked so hard to discuss, reason and agree on where each picture should go. Next week, we move on to subtraction in Maths, exploring the Savannah landscape in Literacy and continue our learning about our local area in Geography. |
29th November 2024
We have really enjoyed using the circuit equipment in pairs – we discussed and named each part and were thrilled to make the light bulb work. We then challenged ourselves to add in a switch! In Art we have been working hard on our mosaic designs and really enjoyed creating a mosaic tile using the design from last week. The class focused for a long time and all completed their tile. We have also been practising hard to learn all the songs for our trip to Winchester Cathedral next week. Laura went for a rehearsal and took some pictures to help the class know what to expect. Look at these beautiful windows! |
11th November 2024
On Monday, Earth Class learnt about Remembrance and created a beautiful poppy display to honour those who served. They’ve shown great respect and curiosity as they explored the significance of Remembrance Day and reflected on its history. In Maths, the class has been working hard to build on their fraction skills with a variety of strategies. They all used a range of objects to work on their problem-solving abilities. In PE, we have been taking part in a fun and challenging Code Breaker activity, where they worked as a team to solve the secret codes. It’s been fantastic to see the class use their problem-solving and watch their teamwork skills in action! In Earth Class we are learning how to share ideas and listen to one another, working together to find the best solutions. We are earning stars for our star jar – guess what our chosen class treat will be when we reach our target of 20?! |
Friday 21st October 2024
MONEY MONEY MONEY! In our Maths lessons, we worked hard on our money skills – we used feely bags, coin hunts and individual challenges to work on both naming, matching and finding amounts using coins. On Wednesday, we had a brilliant RE day learning about the concept ‘special’ and linking that to the Hindu festival of light - Divali. We particularly enjoyed creating diva lamps and rangoli patterns using coloured rice. We had a fun end to the half-term - carving and creating our own pumpkins, having face paints and creating spooky art. HAPPY HALF-TERM!! |
Friday 18th October 2024
We started our week with loose dinosaurs and a letter from Jurassic Park to ask for our help. We worked as a team to locate, measure and sort the runaways – so much wonderful mathematical vocabulary was heard and measuring skills were seen… In English we have been working on persuasive writing. We chose our favourite part of Light Years, had a photo taken and then thought of all of the positive things about it. These were then made into a WordArt shape of our choice. Chris chose the “whole of Light Years” and had lots of positive things to say about our school. Finally – we have been learning all about sound and hearing this half-term. We took some time this week to study the ear – we learnt the scientific name for each part and how they work to give us hearing… |
Friday 11th October 2024
Earth Class have had a busy week. Following our Inset Day, we came in smiling and enjoyed our African drumming session with Hampshire Music. We are really improving our rhythm skills and our confidence is high! In Maths we have been consolidating our subtraction skills. Some of us are using objects or pictures to aid our calculations independently and others are working on tricky column subtraction. A year 4 pupil said “I knock on the tens door to borrow – knock knock”. Finally – we have enjoyed some social time together – we are able to collaborate and enjoy playing games, building and dancing together in Earth Class. Next week we will be doing lots of measuring in Maths, learning about the parts of the ear in Science and some more studying of Peru in South America. |
Light Years School, Tewkesbury Avenue, Fareham, Hampshire, PO15 6LL
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E: [email protected] T: 01329 760955
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